Giving Birth to a New Year...times 33!

letting my past guide me. a sankofa lesson:
Image result for sankofa
The African word Sankofa symbolizes a way of using our past to guide us forward. The Akan people of Ghana symbolize this quest for knowledge as a consistent staple in life, a way to progress by learning from the past. I am making a deliberate attempt to follow their guidance. My attempt, naturally, will be imperfect. Thank you for your grace.

*I turned 33 this year, this month in fact. The number 33 has been a notable part of my life from a young age-as notable as a number can be anyway. In looking back on the beginnings of this number's connection to my life, I also consider how to move forward with it.*

age: 33
this 33rd year of my life brings a throwback to Mr. Grant Hill.
Image result for grant hill detroit pistonsgrant hill was my absolute favorite person for many years. he was my bae back in the day. i rocked the leather detroit pistons jacket like it was the only thing i owned. i watched basketball games like i cared about the sport. i read everything i could on this man, who i had decided was the epitome of..cuteness. i made his number-my number, and associate his 33 with every aspect of my life-to this day. as i have aged beyond my obsession of good-ol-grant, i am reminded of all my favorite things and how they might help shape my year ahead.

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favorites: 33
*reading! anything by a black woman is high on my must read list. blackness-historical and present.
*writing poetry. happens in my head more than on paper..this should change
*serena williams. do i really need to say anything more..?!
*michelle obama-crushest woman alive. simplicity, elegance, grace, pure. thank you.
*the moon. it rules me and i love it. your fullness = my fullness.
*blackness! all of it. all the time. even when it hurts.
*love. i love love. in all of its forms. everyday. all day.
*my shaved head. it is freedom and simplicity defined.
*speaking poetry. what a rush! the post-poetry performance high is a real joy.
*coffee mugs. yes please. large, cupped in my hands. warmth, comfort.
*brunch! late breakfast. slow weekends. bottomless mimosas.
*the ocean. salt. water. sunshine. bliss.
*sunshine! glorious. heat. bright light.
*van life! travel in my converted van is a whole new kind of life.
*loud music-all of it. country, jazz, classical, pop, musicals, hip-hop, all of it. the louder the better!
*gardening. what a beautiful way to spend a morning, or afternoon, or evening.
*black dog. mine. the most beautiful perfect pup on the planet.
*glasses. hmm i guess i just love them, mine and yours.
*pens. thin points. easy writing. proud to be the pen snob that i am.
*traveling. worldwide. cultural expansion and understanding. immersion is key.
*polished nails-they make my toes and fingers feel plump and new.
*solo movie dates. what a lovely event to gift yourself.
*cooking shows. so entertaining. reminds me that cooking is cool. and delicious!
*driving. always a fave of mine. get me in the front seat and i'm golden.
*mason jars. cool design with deep functionality and a flare for creativity.
*overalls--because who doesn't love overalls...i mean, come on.
*candles..mmm smells good, looks good, feels good. yes please.
*knitting. a fave winter pastime. warmth by hand, one stitch at a time.
*tea. hot with honey. a distinct 'grandma' characteristic of mine that i hold dear.
*cozy, comfy lounge chairs. curled up. with a book. and a blanket. magic.
*cheese-all of it, all of the time. cheddar, goat, hard, soft..doesn't matter. yum yum yum
*over the ear headphones. way better than ear buds. some say i believe this because i have small ears and the buds just don't fit..whatever!
*trees. lounging under big branches. watching the sway of leaves. nature is beautiful.

Image result for mictasks: 3 at 33
SPEAK: 33 poetry performances. out loud & proud.
WRITE33 blog posts. real life. write & be read.
READ:   33 meaningful books. read it right & do right by it.

happy birthday to me! time to go back and get it..33 times in this grand year!


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