ENUF Metro Denver & Board of Education Community Forum

Courtesy of ENUF

Equity Network for Metro Denver - DPS School Board Community Forum

Tuesday, May 22, 2018. DCIS at Fairmont.

Equity Network United for Metro Denver held a DPS School Board Community Forum in the gym of DCIS at Fairmont. ENUF Metro Denver members were set to share the work they have been doing in connection with three major areas related to the Denver Public School system. In return, ENUF members were seeking a commitment from each Board member to continue working with the group on each issue.

The two hour meeting began with appetizers and drinks paired with mingling as the Denver Board of Education members made their way to the event. Beginning with an overall introduction of ENUF, the members walked the audience through the forum schedule and breakdown of speaking with each School Board member. ENUF previously narrowed down a list of over 150 topics to three that would make up the focus of their efforts this winter and spring. Those topics were to be presented to the School Board members in attendance.

Issue Action Teams

*Inequitable School Finance
*Supporting Immigrant Students: Refugees and Undocumented Student/Family Supports
*Oppressive Educational Practices: Implicit Bias

Three Issue Action Teams (IAT) worked to create plans that would support an accountability structure in conjunction with the Denver School Board. Each IAT would present to one of three School Board members in attendance at a time for a duration of 20 minutes each. As ENUF members in attendance, the role was as an onlooker, listener and community supporter.

School Board Members

The three Denver School Board members in attendance were Lisa FloresAngela Cobián and Jennifer Bacon. The members were meant to rotate through each group, but with Jennifer Bacon joining the meeting late she would miss her session in the Immigrant Supports group.

At the end of three rotating sessions, ENUF leaders shared with all in attendance what the representing Board members committed to and the next steps for holding each accountable for their actions. Many aspects of each IAT were discussed. Below are some takeaways from the sessions.

Community Forum Takeaways

  • The Inequitable School Finance IAT left the meeting prepared to move forward on ballot initiatives regarding funding through community organizations. 
  • The Supporting Immigrant Students IAT was promised that Denver Superintendent Tom Boasberg would appoint a leader to oversee district-wide implementation of a previously passed resolution. 
  • The Oppressive Educational Practices IAT will work to align school trainings with a foundation for understanding how to connect with all involved in the school system. 

ENUF members were committed throughout the community forum to holding each School Board member accountable for their propositions as well as support of each issue in discussion. After thanking all in attendance for joining this very special session, ENUF leaders asked that community  members join in subsequent meetings to continue organizing towards equitable education in Denver.
Courtesy of ENUF


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